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  • Stuffed Dentice (FISH)
  • Ingredients

  • The stuffing

  • dentice of about 1kg.
    bread soaked in milk
    6 prawns, shelled and pounded
    fresh chopped mushrooms
    finely chopped parsley
    a Iittle butter
    salt & pepper
    2 eggs, beaten
    2 tbs grated Parmesan
    1 small onion

    For cooking

    some more butter
    fresh mushroom
    half a dozen tiny onion
    100ml.white wine

  • Method
  • open the dentice, clean it, and remove the backbone, without breaking the fillets.
    Make the stuffing with ingredients listed, and put it in the fish, which should then be sewn up.

  • Cooking
  • . For the cooking, melt butter in a casserole and fry in the tiny onions and fresh mushrooms until the former turn golden. Add the dentice and the white wine. Cook in a fairly hot oven until golden or done .

